update_option will not always save the value to the DB

Yes, I am getting to the point in which I start to call the WordPress core team members “idiots”, at least between me and myself.

Case in point is https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/34689 which is about update_option not always saving values to the DB because it checks the value returned by get_option and performs the write to the DB only if that value is different than the one update_option is requested to save.

Actually sound very logical, right? If the values are the same, what is the point of wasting the resources to write to the DB. The problem is that the value that get_option returns is not the value stored in the DB as several filters might be applied to it, therefor in some situations the value returned by get_option might be the same to the one passed to update_option but still different then the one in the DB.

So why no one had noticed it so far? I think that most people are not aware that you can filter the result of get_option on the one side, and on the other most update_option are made in admin in which the filters mentioned before will not be set as they are useless on admin side.

It is surprising to discover such a bug in one of the lowest level functions WordPress has, a function being used by almost every plugin, but it is just shows that in software when you don’t know about bugs, it doesn’t mean there aren’t any and no matter how battle tried the software is.

What is annoying is the refusal of the core team to admit that it is a bug. In software development there are all kinds of situations in which bugs are results of bad design but once it becomes old enough it is hard to fix it because by then everybody expects it and therefor it becomes a feature. But when a = b do not make a==b true, there is just no way to pretend it is not a bug.

wp_is_mobile is a trap waiting to bite you, just avoid it

What can be wrong with a function that just checks the user agent to determine if the user is on a mobile device like wp_is_mobile? even if the function works as promised the whole idea of using the user agent to detect the type of device on server side is wrong.

Using that function (or any server side detection really, but I focus on wordpress here) violates the core principal of responsive design, that you serve the same HTML to all users.

In practice you will run into trouble once you will want to cache your HTML and then you will start to sometimes get the mobile version of the site on desktop and vice versa. The “nice” thing here is that by that time the original developer had moved on and there will be someone new that the site owner will have to recruit in order to fix the resulting mess. Pros just don’t do that to client.

What is the alternative? Detect whatever needs to be detected using javascript at client side and set a class on the body element. What about people that turn off JS? I say fuck the luddites, let them have a desktop version on their mobile. OK, strike that, make your CSS mobile friendly as much as possible just don’t worry about the UX of the luddites.

Will the use of HipHop VM (HHVM) help with making your wordpress site faster? unlikely

Been a while since I last heard about facebook’s HipHop PHP optimizer project. First time I have heard of it it was a compiler from PHP to C, something I have already ran into with another interpreted language – TCL/TK, and is mainly beneficial for projects that once the interpreted code (Iie PHP code) is stable and shipped there is no need to modify it. In other words you lose the ability to modify your code on a whim that is the reason why most sites today use interpreted languages.

I was actually surprised to learn that the main reason facebook was unhappy with the compiler is that the deployment of a compiled code was resource intensive and since facebook is pushing a new update once a day they started to look into other alternatives to compiling their code into machine code.

The approach they are trying now is to write their own PHP interpreter (and a web server dedicated to running it) which will use JIT (Just In Time) technology to compile PHP code into native code and execute it. As JIT proved to be a very efficient technology when applied to optimizin javascript which like PHP is an interpreted language, I find it easy to believe that it executes PHP code faster then the conventional interpreter.

But if it is faster, how come it will not make your site faster? To understand this you need to keep in mind how facebook’s scale and how it works works.

Facebook had at some point 180k servers A 1% optimization will allow them to save 1800 servers and the cost of their electricity and maintenance. My estimate based on pricing by web hosting companies is that this might amount to saving 100k$ each month. So facebook is more likely doing this optimization to reduce cost and not to improve side speed, but for lesser sites a %1 optimization will not be enough to avoid the need of upgrading your hosting plan and even if there was a cost benefit it is unlikely that for most sites the savings will be worth the amount of time that will need to be invested in changing to use HHMV and testing your site on it, especially since it is not a fully mature product yet (just because it works for facebook doesn’t mean it works everywhere)

The other thing to take into account is that by its nature facebook can do a very limited caching as essentially all the visitors are logged in users. They can still keep information in memory in a similar way to how the object caching in wordpress works, but they still need a PHP logic to bring it all together, while wordpress sites can use full page caching plugins like the W3TC plugin which produce HTML pages that serving them bypasses entirely the need to interpret the PHP code and therefor improvements in PHP interpreting is of very little importance to those sites.

It is not that HHMV is totally useless outside of facebook, just that its impact will be much bigger on bigger and more complex sites then most wordpress sites tend to be. The nice thing about it is that it is open source and therefor the can adopt the PHP JIT techniques from HHVM into the core PHP interpreter.

Every user that had loaded any page of your site is your user

I found that I am annoyed with the way wordpress classifies users, there are administrators, editors,authors, contributors and subscribers. This classification is based entirely on what can the user access on the wordpress admin, but most people that use you site don’t have an account and therefor they are not classified at all, which is a big mental mistake.

Users without an account can be

  • casual readers – access your site at random intervals
  • follower – reads every new post or checks you site every week
  • commenter – leaves a comment
  • rss subscriber – follows update in rss
  • email notification subscriber
  • news letter subscriber
  • discussion follower – following comment updates via RSS or email.

And maybe there are more types. This kind of profiling your users should help you in monetizing your site while keeping all your users as happy as ossible.

For example, some sites don’t show ads to logged in users, treating them more as partners then source of income, but maybe it will be wise to treat commenter the same way?

WordPress’s fetch_feed API supports fetching more then one feed at a time


Apparently several RSS feeds can be fetched “at once” by using the fetch_feed API, but core developer not excited to advertise this possibility  (and I agree because I never heard anyone complain about the lack of such a feature)

How to import big wordpress file

For an active wordpress site the content gets bigger with time. Usually tou don’t even notice that until the site becomes slow and you install some caching plugin which makes the site to run even faster and you forget about the whole thing again.

Problem arises when you want to move your content with wordpress’s export and import tools. If you have a lot of content, the exported file which will be generated might be too big to be uploaded to the new server.

The easiest way to solve the problem is to split the exported file into smaller pieces using this splitter tool, and import each one of the generated files.

How to make taxonomy pages appear as result in wordpress search

In addition to many other drawbacks wordpress search has it just can’t search the description associated with a taxonomy (category, tag) or author, so even if the most obvious search search result is the category page, the internal search will never show it.

But there is a way to hack around it if you really have to. All that needs to be done is to have a page with the exact same URL as a taxonomy.

If you which for the category “events” to be searchable, assuming its url is /category/events, all you have to do is to create two pages, one with the slug “category” and a sub page of it with the slug “events” and put the text associated with the category in the “events” page.

The only problem is that the search result will be styled like a page, but this is a small price to pay.

In wordpress, pages can have whatever URL you want them to have

For all content types  except pages wordpress uses a system of patterns to identify from the structure of the URL itself which type of content is being accessed. Once identified it can know in which part of the DB it should look for the content associated with the URL.

This is the reason why you usually should have a prefix “directory” in the URL which uniquely identifies your content. If there are two possible interpretations wordpress will match the first that is found.

Pages are different. WordPress kind of assumes that by default all content in the site is pages and the parsing rule for page URLs is “if it is not something else it might be a page”.

This lets you place pages anywhere in the URL structure. Here the question was about having an Event/post_slug URL for posts and have also an Event/Contact URL for a page. To do that you just need to have a page with a slug Events and a page with a slug Contact as its sub page.

As long as there is no post with the slug contact, when wordpress get a Events/Contact URL it tries to find a post in the events category with the slug Contact, and if there is none it will try to find a page with the slag Contact under a page with the slug Events and BINGO.

Two problems with this approach. Neither of them is probably major enough to prevent to use of this technique

  1. For every URL of the structure Events/xxxx where there is no post with the slug xxxx, wordpress will have to make another DB query to check if there is a page with the slug xxxx under the page with the slug “Events”
  2. You always have to remember not to create a post or subcategory of the category “Events” with the slug  “Contact”. If you do that you page will not be access and you will not have any warning about that.

WordPress plugins and themes do not have to be GPL since the court ruled that APIs are not copyrightable


  1. I don’t like GPL, I think that for most places that it is being used at, especially in wordpress, the BSD license would have served as well and would have removed the illusion that just by selecting a restrictive license your code becomes less prune for IP theft.
  2. Matt Mullenweg created a great product and succeeded to maintain a great community around it. So far his insistence on GPL everywhere haven’t really hurt either of them and maybe actually strengthened them.

It seems like once a year there is some form of debate about wordpress, GPL and whether people might develop software related to wordpress which does not use a GPL compatible license. This time it is about whether people selling themes/plugins under split license (one for code and another for styling) should participate in wordcamps.

Maybe it is time to take one step back and ask again whether themes and plugins have to be GPL compatible.

The legal base for the claim is this legal opinion from James Vasile of the Software Freedom Law Center. There are two things to notice

  • By law a lawyer have to help his client to present the best legal case for his objective. If I had the money I could find 10 lawyers which will contradict every second word in that post.
  • After many bold claims the last paragraph backtracks from it all

    Finally, we note that it might be possible to design a valid WordPress theme that avoids the factors that subject it to WordPress’s copyright, but such a theme would have to forgo almost all the WordPress functionality that makes the software useful.

But the most important thing to know about lawyers opinions is that they are always not much better then a guess and only the court can actually decide what is the correct legal interpretation of a legal situation. Lawyers can “guess” much better when there are precedences, but there where no court cases revolving around the nature of derivative work similar to wordpress plugins and themes that I know of (and I’m sure the lawyer would have cited them if he was aware of any).

Well, in may 2012 there was a ruling about a similar issue, whether API is copyrightable.In the legal battle between Oracle and Google about the use of java derivative in the android OS. Oracle claimed that just because Google implemented the same API that java has, without a license from Oracle, it infringed on its copyright. This claim was dismissed in court, but it has more to it then that, and according to the report the judge had set a limit to when a derivative work do not inherit the license of its origin.

Ninety-seven percent of the source code in the API packages is different; it’s only the three percent that overlaps that formed the heart of Oracle’s copyright claim. That three percent included packages, methods, and class names. But those declarations—like starting a function with package java.lang—can only be used in certain ways. “In order to declare a particular functionality, the language demands that the method declaration take a particular form

Therefore claiming that just because some lines of code are similar in all themes to the GPLed themes provided as part of the wordpress distribution as Mark Jaquith says

If that argument doesn’t convince you, then note that the vast majority of themes derive from the original WordPress core themes. How they load different PHP subfiles, loop through posts, and get and interact with WordPress data is all covered by the original WordPress core themes, which are explicitly GPL

Doesn’t hold water unless there is some different way to use the wordpress API, which there isn’t. Big part of the PHP code in many themes is identical because there is either no other way to perform a specific functionality, or it is the best practice.

In my opinion the wordpress foundation (or wordpress.org or whoever is talking for wordpress) might have a right cause, but they win the fights because they have bigger sticks, and not because the law is on their side.

Writing a translatable library/framework that is used by wordpress plugins and themes

I got burned in the wordpress stack exchange while answering a question about variables in translatable text, which was really more about adhering to (IMO wrong) theme repository conventions while using third party code which doesn’t use them. My mistake came from misinterpretation of the translation strategy the third party code being used (the TGM plugin activation library) was using.

There are twp possible translation strategies for such libraries, self contained and integrated.

In the self contained strategy the library is distributed with the translations of its strings, using a specific text domain for them. The theme/plugin author using the library just needs to include it and initialize it.


Assuming the library expects its translation file to be in the “lang” sub directory of its root it only has to do

function useful_lib_init() {

and use “useful_lib” as its text domain whenever the translation functions ( __(), _e()…) are called.

The advantage of this approach is that whoever uses the library don’t need to worry about the translation of the strings used in the library, and once a translation is updated he can simply include the new version of the library and push an update.

The disadvantage is that you don’t have full control over the translation of your theme/plugin (you can claim it works in language X only if  the library supports the language as well) and you have to communicate to translators that the files residing in the “useful_lib” directory should not be translated as it will have no impact on the result (maybe suggest to the translator to contribute the translation to the library).

In the integrated strategy you let the theme/plugin determine which text domain to use. The easiest way is by forcing them to DEFINE it.

if (!defined('USEFUL_LIB_TEXTDOMAIN')) {
  error('USEFUL_LIB_TEXTDOMAIN had to be defined');
// then you have in the code

This way there is some duplicated translation effort between different users of the library, but the end result is totally under the contrul of the theme/plugin author.

And…. there can be an hybrid approach. If no explicit text domain is specified use our own, just need to remember to load the text domain

if (!defined('USEFUL_LIB_TEXTDOMAIN')) {
// then you have in the code

In my opinion, libraries should follow the “integrated” strategy unless they have non trivial amount of translatable strings, and the maintainers are willing to maintain the translations as part of the library.

As for the hybrid approach, I don’t see any real life use case for it. If library can be used as “self contained” it is probably better to use it that way, and get automatic translation updates whenever there are, instead of asking your theme/plugin translators to retranslate just because there was a change in the library.

BTW, my failing was due to the library in that question using the hybrid strategy while I thought it is a “self contained” because I failed to notice the text domain initialization variants, and this calls for an article about how wordpress theme and plugin writers misuse the OOP paradigm….